Friday, August 26, 2005

Check and Adjust Water Flow 26/8/05

Continued concern over Silver Perch (Adult) showing continued signs of 'fin rot'?. Sluggish, exposed flesh on Tail Fin (Caudal) & Anal Fin.
Adjusted water flow to individual tanks. Removed added ornaments to Aquarium 1?? Checked Murray Cod OK however looked stressed. Fed Australian Bass and Murray Cod (Blood Worm and Brine Shrimp). Will need to quarantine Silver Perch if condition worsens.
Image from
Swept floor to remove spilt food and debris to minimise rodents etc. Moved new aquarium to LAB to prepare for establishment of Marine Tank (brackish water) with Bream, Flathead, Mullet etc. as part of Yr9 MAT Mini- Projects.

John, Nick, Corey- Fed all.

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