Saturday, April 21, 2007

ARC Working Bee

The rainwater tank holds 10,000l and has 24 corrugations on the outside of the tank. The Rainwater Tank was 6 corrugations from the top ... approx 3/4 full 7,500l before work commenced.
The sump required a topup of 500l, Tanks 3 and 5 were filled (1000l ea) which resulted in our Rainwater Tank now being half full (5,000l). This was considered a reasonable risk as the forecast for rain is of significant percentage.
Chrysanthemums have flowered early and are presenting great colours... we need to take advantage of this and move harvesting and sales NOW!

An experimental water cooler has been designed and engineered and installed by LG. It is hoped that this will extend the Trout (Cold Water Fish) growing season.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Trout arrive from Lithgow

ggwsi50 Rainbow trout were transported from Lithgow- ARCHVALE Trout Farm on Sunday. After acclimatisation fingerlings <10cm>
Slits were cut in the riser to enable suitable water flow while still preventing fish escape.

Photos to follow.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

MAT in the ARC 28/3/07

Weeding- well it was intended to be weeding?
Feeding: Australian Bass Fed very well
Poddy Mullet also continue to feed on artificial feed
Silver Perch and Yabbies also fed well
Cleaning ARC- thanks for the sweeping and reorganisation of storage boxes etc.
All systems checked and functioning well
Aquarium on stand in LAB ready for sea water and fish

Friday, March 23, 2007


  • 1000l Tank (6) which is isolated from Re-circulation System was filled and filter activated
  • Main Recirculation system backwashed, rinsed and topped up approx. 500l
  • Australian Bass Tank (4) fed
  • Aquarium (1) Filled (no fish)
  • Aquarium (2) Tadpoles/Frogs OK
  • Aquarium (3) Silver Perch, Australian Bass, Yabbies- 1/3 water replacement
  • Aquarium (4) Poddy Mullet OK (feed mullet artificial pellet- seemed to fed ok)
* Aquarium Collection Permit (Section37, Fisheries ManagementAct 1994) Expires 31/7/2007

Friday, March 16, 2007

SAD News 81 Australian Bass Dead!

We had pump failures (2) in the ARC Thursday March 16 which resulted in loss of air and recirculated water. 81 Australian Bass died, all from Tank 3. Tank 3's population was at a level that resulted in total loss of oxygen, so death. Tank 4 had less population and was able to survive. The air compressor is being evaluated. Recirculation has been restarted. SAD!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Rain in ... falls mainly on Norah Head?

Rain water is ESSENTIAL to our Fish Farm and Aquaculture Research Centre.

Rainfall to date 2007
February / March... 1-6
40.8mm / 94.6mm

Comparison of Rainfall for 2006
March (total)


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Tadpoles and Frogs Sourced

A collection of Tadpoles and Frogs have been obtained from a single source to create herpetoculture. This is a significant research task for our students (management team) leading to the award of 'school certificate'. The amphibians will be released into their new home Tuesday. Why are strict regulation made when collecting Tadpoles and Frogs? ** Photos by Emily

New South Wales licences and protection
What to feed Tadpoles?
What Frog is that...?

Friday, March 02, 2007

February 2007 Update

Australian Bass were transfered from the office foyer area of the school to the ARC. One dead Bass was removed from the aquarium. This will enable a 'yearly' clean of the office aquarium and restocking with Barramundi

Chrysanthemums are thriving due to recent rain and continued watering from our recirculation system. Thanks to our MAT classes for the weeding and care. We expect that these plants will set flower heads in April, ready for sale prior to mother's day. Sale of 'bunchjes' of Chrysanthemums assists the ARC investments in farming and research.