Wednesday, June 07, 2006

General Farm Activities 7/6/06

Fed Yabbies- left over apple (usually carrots/peas)
Fed Trout & Australian Bass
Fed Worms (thanks Office Staff- Apple, Tea Bags etc)
Relocated Australian Bass from Tank 5 to join other Australian Bass in Tank 4 (Tank 5 now becomes an additional Reservoir.
Relocated 1 * Yabbie (large) to Aquarium 7 (foyer) to co-exist with small Silver Perch?
Changed over 1/3 of the water in Aquarium 7, cleaned filters and glass (looks great)
Pumped more water from Rainwater Tank to Tank 6 for storage
Completed Proper Washing of Hands Posters/Signs

* Student MUST remember to email their completed jobs to enable logging/tracking- proof of achievement of competency.

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