Friday, June 19, 2009

Pollution (Slick) on surface of Tanks 1-2... It's a PROBLEM!

Showing their class as observers... a slick (oil like) has been found on the surface of Tanks 1-2. These tanks have been isolated for over 2 weeks. This also coincides with 3 dead Silver Perch from Tank 5?

Oil and pollution slicks at sea can be tracked back to the source by comparing the chemical make-up of both the slick and different ships ballast/sump or samples taken from other suspect sources. Our priority and limitations are that we need to not focus on blame BUT focus on removal. How might we apply methods, used in sea or fresh water to REMOVE pollutants?
* Dead perch fingerlings removed.

Please comment.

PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) projects are carefully designed to expose you to the information and skills that we want you to learn.

  • A statement of the problem (eg. diseased animal, failing business)
  • Questions to consider when solving the problem
  • A framework for the time and effort you should spend on the project
  • Support: teacher and resources

The problems that you will solve in this course will relate to what you are learning. They are problems that you might encounter when working in that field or related fields, adapted to your level of study.

With PBL, students are assessed on their ability to go through a problem solving process.

What is PBL?

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